Wednesday, October 17, 2007


On Monday I had blood work done. Then Tuesday I called for results but they were not in yet. So I called again today. They took a message and I asked them to call my cell phone.

I worked until the moment I had to go to my night class, and just got home to a message on the machine.

MY doctor's voice, sounding sad and stressed. "Hello, this is Dr. Williams. I really need to talk to you right away. Please call the office before 5 pm. This message is for Heidi.

"WHAT??? So did he mistake my name? Did he leave a message for me that was meant for someone else? Was he sad about MY results but got MY name wrong? Now I have all night to be afraid.

Here is the debate that keeps replying in my mind... My ultrasound was fine on Monday so that is good. But no heart beat at 5 weeks 6 days which is iffy. I started my prometrium last Wednesday he could be saying I need to take more, but I didn't get the message. What if my levels are all dropping but I am not bleeding b/c I am on the prometrium which is forcing my body to think things are fine?

I am so stressed!!!

Outside of that things are good. One of my clients is in the hospital, and I went down to hang out with her for a while today. That was mostly fun, I am glad her baby is still doing well inside praying he can stay in for a few more weeks (mom is 33 weeks pg). Please pray for them.

It was hard though because her room was right next to the room I had been in after Jordan was born. That room was empty and the door was wide open when I passed, that was strange to look inside again.

Christopher is being a pain in the neck, ugh, maybe there is a reason 18 year olds usually move out! Ben was suspended because he did chin ups on the security camera at school and it broke off the wall. Stupid move, but now the police also cited him for vandelism. Teenage boys are just so difficult. Of course his hand is covered in burns from picking up dry ice on Sunday so he is unable to help around the house as a punishment. urghhhhh!!!!

I am so upset about the phone call from my doctor. My stomach is in knots.

PLEASE pray for good news tomorrow!!


At 12:01 AM, Blogger Researcher said...

ACK!!! On the phone call. But you're not Heidi, so sounds like a mistake. I teach tomorrow, so call new cell is here.


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