Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Well I have had a tough time posting this week, because we got some potentially bad news on Monday.

My ultrasound didn't show any new growth for the baby. The heart beat was faint. The doctor sent me for blood work and the slip said, "Threatened abortion" which just means possible miscarriage.

The blood work was pretty inconclusive, at least it wasn't bad news.

Now I am just waiting for the time to go by for another ultrasound on Friday. I am scared to death. I wanted to take all of Friday off but my boss is making me work from 8-11 am before my u/s because there are trainings scheduled. I hate that. I hate the idea of sitting through boring trainings knowing my u/s is in a few hours. I won't even be thinking of what she is talking about anyway. I wish I could stay home and sleep in.

Please keep us in your prayers as we anxiously await the results on Friday. I don't know if it is in my head or if it is real, but I just don't feel as pregnant today. My heart aches so much.

My husband is out of town for the next two weeks, so good news or bad, I am on my own for this one. Well not really, I always have the Lord.


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