Rabbit Trail - Overworked and TIRED

Prepare I feel a rant coming on...
I feel guilty about something. Or angry, it depends on which moment you catch me in. Well, for instance, this morning... wait, better start at yesterday.
I drove my parents all the stinkin way, sorry that is the rant part, to San Francisco for Mom's dr. appt. five hours each way plus two hours there. Mom is brain injured and not the most fun to be in the car with for that amount of time. But hey, I am a good sport right? So sure Jen will drive.
I had Christopher come with me because he LOVES SF and he has the best grades at the moment so he could best afford to miss school. While there I bought gifts at the Hard Rock Cafe for Ben and Zach. So all around I am a great person right?
I get home, well, no back up again, ON THE WAY home, I get a call on my cell phone which clearly must be an emergency b/c why else would you call someone on their cell phone who was driving in the rain with a screaming brain injured person in the back of the car.
"Mom, the puppy really messed up the laundry room."
"Zach, exactly what would you like me to do about that right now? Should I speak with the puppy? Put him on the phone."
"I want to know what to do about it?"
"Clean it"
"Well the puppy needs a bath because he rolled around in his mess."
"Put the puppy in the yard, clean the mess, wash the puppy. IN that order."
More driving with crazy screaming Mom
"Jenny, Jenny, JENNY!!!"
"Yes Mom"
"I have a headache"
"Yes, Mom, the doctor told you to close your eyes and quit talking and rest and the headache would feel better."
"I am trying to do that but I keep screaming"
"Yes mom, stop screaming"
"I don't know how"
"I love you Mom, just try to rest"
"Yes, Mom"
"I have a headache."
"Yes Mom, you need to rest."
"I love you too Mom"
Ok more driving, another phone call, it is my hubby,
"Jenny, I have a headache."
"Yes, sweetie what would you like me to do about that?"
"How far are you from Redding?"
"Only about 45 minutes."
"Could you bring me some Asprin?"
"I have Tylenol in my purse is that ok?"
"Yes, thank you so much."
More driving more crazy mom
Drop off Mom, bring Tylenol to Charles, Phone call Zach wants Burger King, go get that, another phone call, Ben says it isn't important he will talk to me when I get home....
Give out gifts Zach gets first choice since he cleaned up after puppy, everyone is happy, I announce I am going to log on to my computer for five minutes and then go to bed if anyone wants anything they have only five minutes to ask.
Zach comes in to talk about his mean teacher did something again. He starts crying. I try to soothe him, did I mention that at this point I was EXHAUSTED but still, so sorry teacher is mean. (I honestly can't stand her). Charles comes home, more talk about mean teacher. Very tired, put on jammies go to bed while everyone is in my room chatting. Zach says he is upset that I didn't thank him for cleaning the laundry room. "Zach I said thank you and gave you first choice of Hard Rock pins"
"Oh yeah, that was cool. Thanks Mom"
I think at that point I just passed out, next thing I know I hear a cat scratching at the door. My arms are too heavy to lift. "Charles, PLEASE let the cat in or out or whatever"
(he does nothing)
"Charles the cat wants in, please do it, I am too tired."
(he does nothing)
"Sorry sweetie"
(he let the cat in)
Ten minutes later, cat is scratching to get into the closet. My cat has serious closet issues.
"Charles, please take care of the cat, I can't move."
(does nothing)
"Yes sweetie, I love you, you love me too right?"
"VERY tired, and yes."
it is 6:34 Christopher is in my room,
"Mom, I need lunch money"
"Chris don't wake me up to ask for money, do it the night before, or use your own money or bring a lunch there is pizza in the fridge"
6:40 - Ben comes in,
"Mom, my alarm didn't go off. Chris just woke me up."
"Ask Grandpa to take you."
(my dad lives with us and goes to mom's nursing home at the same time the boys go to school)
"He said his car is too messy."
(funny I thought MY car was the one used to drive people to SF YESTERDAY)
Charles says "What time do you have to be at school?"
"Ok Ben go get ready and Charles and I will figure out how to get you to school."
Charles says he will take Ben to school. I say, "On time?"
"No, he will be about half an hour late. I have to get ready for my dr appt first"
I get up to take Ben to school.
Before I get ready to go, I make a bathroom stop, pee on a stick, praying for two lines, only one. NOT pregnant.
Go take Ben to school.
He reminds me he is going swimming after school.
"Do you have a swimsuit with you?"
"Oops, could you bring it to school before 3?"
Finally home crawling into bed. Zach comes in, "Mom I don't want to go to my class today my teacher is too mean." Charles agrees to handle it. He takes Zach to school and even gets him transferred out of the class!! And he took Ben his swimsuit! I go back to sleep!!!!!
I know that's a rough few days, but I have so say, thanks for sharing, it made me laugh. Especially after the tears of the previous entries. Your family is a testiment to love, humour and repect. Thanks for sharing, I found your blog from HG website. I tooam an HG sufferer.
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