Saturday, October 28, 2006

For My Child in Jesus’ Arms - by Sharon Foster

A close friend wrote this poem in memory of her two babies in heaven. I have read many poems in my journey through loss, and this one captured my heart in a way that no other has. It is reprinted here by her permission

For My Child in Jesus’ Arms - by Sharon Foster

When first I knew you existed, my spirits soared.
I was flooded with feelings—an absolute rainbow of emotion—
So scared that something might go wrong,
Yet infinitely hopeful and full of anticipation
And instant love.
You were, after all, the physical manifestation of love itself
Residing within me—
Part of me, and also your own person already—
Tiny, but real,
Precious and small
Unlimited possibility contained within.

Then I knew I was losing you.
They told me you were already gone,
But the news was shocking and new to me,
So I entered a black tunnel—
The first steps of the journey of loss.
Disbelief battled sorrow.
Faint hope was trampled by medical realities.
I had to let you go.

Now I’m beginning to realize,
That just like my other children,
You have given me great gifts.
They have given me sticky pictures drawn in crayon and love;
You have given me new appreciation for everything beautiful in my life.
They have given me tight baby hugs and angel-soft kisses;
You have given me a new awareness of how fragile, yet completely precious,
Life itself really is.
They depend on me to shepherd their lives on earth;
You wait on me in fragrant fields of forever blooming flowers
In Paradise,Where, as I bathe my earthly gifts of children in soapy water and bubbles,
You will spend every eternal moment of your life Bathed in sheer joy.

As I did not know your gender,
Jesus Himself gave you your name,
But he will not have to introduce us
When I see you someday
Because even though I have never seen you before,
My heart will know you.

I love you,
sweet unborn child,


At 9:25 PM, Blogger Corinne O said...

Dear Sharon,

What a lovely poem. How beautifully you capture so many aspects of loss, and parenting your living children after losing a child. Thank you for sharing this Jenny... I am so touched and moved by these words, only someone who has walked in these shoes could have written such a thing.



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